Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Summer Love

This has definitely been the summer of love, both professionally and personally, and I feel incredibly fortunate to have been the recipient of so much positivity and support these last few month thanks to the lovely ladies of the Gun Club.

The Ladies Gun Club was started with a holistic approach in mind. We wanted to not only provide an opportunity for women to come and get a great workout without the distractions of a traditional gym, but also to provide a deeper level of support than one might get in a larger, less personal environment. The ladies who came to the gun club provided each other with genuine encouragement, support, and accountability. New friendships were made, and existing ones were deepened.

We all know it's work to put yourself and your health first,
and so every little bit of support helps.
LGC uses the TRX workout system most of the time, enabling the location to be super flexible, so we worked out in the fresh open air where we were able to enjoy misty mornings and the beautiful mountain scapes. There's nothing like the smell of an early morning in Carrier park (sans flooding of course!) 

On mornings when we worked out at Pack Square Park, as we finished, we got to see the rest of the town wake up, and there's just something really special about that.

There are so many memories from this summer! Who can forget the July 11th Birthday Bonus Class? When I pulled up to Pack Square Park, nobody was there and I worried that everybody had forgotten both the bonus class AND my birthday! Then, as if everybody had spilled out of a clown car nearby, all my girls (and some boys) came running over in head to toe costumes! Couldn't have asked for a better way to celebrate my birthday.

And if this all wasn't enough, on July 27th, I got engaged to Camp Boswell, the guy of my dreams!

I can hardly wait to discover what this fall is going to bring, but for all the things I don't know, there is one thing I do: Asheville is beautiful when the leaves start turning, and we are going to be outside as much as possible.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Fueling Up, Pre & Post Workout

For those of you who work out first thing in the morning, it’s hard to know how to fuel up properly without eating too close to a workout. Honestly, when I get up for Ladies Gun Club in the morning, it’s rare that I wake up with enough time to do more than roll out of bed, get my gear on, and fill up a water bottle. The last thing I want to do is eat. By the time I start working out, though, I get hungry. Unfortunately, this means that as soon as the workout ends, I am ravenous and as quickly as I can get to a food source, stuff my face until I’m totally full. Not a great way to celebrate a good workout.
So what can you do before a workout to stave off ravenous hunger? One thing that works for me is eating half a banana right when I wake up. It’s just enough food to keep me from chowing down after the workout, but not so much that I feel sick while doing all that jumping around. Added bonus? Potassium is known for helping to prevent muscle cramps, and who doesn’t love that?

Post workout is a great time to fuel up with some healthy fats and proteins.

Kellie Davis, a fitness coach in Northern California, put a great list together of 50 Awesome Pre & Post-Workout Snacks

Have some good workout meals or snacks? Comment below to share!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

More on Habits

OK, so you've made your list and you've identified a couple habits you want to kick, and a couple you want to start. Maybe you're asking yourself, "Now what?" To start, pat yourself on the back for thinking about it at all, and then take a little time to think about the sources of your bad habits. You know they're bad and you try to resist that snooze button/cigarette/extra scoop of ice cream, but some for some reason, continue to indulge. 

James Clear wrote a great article about where habits come from and why it's hard to replace them. He says, "You don't eliminate a bad habit, you replace it. Most of your bad habits are caused by two things...stress and boredom. Everything from biting your nails to overspending on a shopping spree...can be a simple response to stress and boredom...Bad habits address certain needs in your life and for that reason, you need to replace them with habits that satisfy that same need."

Now’s the time to think about that healthy habit you’d like to replace the bad habit with. Next time you get bored or stressed and want that cigarette, or that extra sweet, why not make yourself take a 10 minute walk first. Doing this does two things:

1.     It gives you some much needed exercise (albeit light exercise) and releases endorphins that help make you feel happier and less stressed.
2.     It takes your mind off the thing you’re wanting.

The hope is that after your walk you’ll either be distracted from the nasty habit or you’ll feel good enough that you don’t need to rely as much on superficial stress relievers.  Maybe instead of walking, you practice breathing exercises, or call a friend who’s providing you with some gentle accountability, or maybe you just even close your eyes for five minutes and think about something else. Whatever it is, just stick to it for a couple weeks and see if you don’t notice even minor changes in habits and behaviors.

No matter what, remember that the most important part of this is being gentle with yourself. The best way to sabotage a wellness plan is to put too much pressure on ourselves, so make a promise to yourself, right now, that you’re not going to become your own worst enemy. Good luck!

Don’t forget—Ladies Gun Club at Carrier Park bright and early. See you at 7! AND it's bring your dude Friday. Let's hear it for the boys!!!!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Those Nasty Habits...

At one time or another, we've all had that clarifying moment where we wake up one day and realize that we have been perpetuating a bad habit for far too long. We realize it, and think about doing things differently, and maybe we even do for a while, but more often than not, old habits die hard. Whether it's hitting the snooze button for an hour every morning and then having to rush to get out the door, skipping breakfast, or indulging in too much dessert after dinner, all of these habits are detrimental to overall health and well being.

If you find yourself perpetuating some bad habit--or maybe a few bad habits!--don't be too hard on yourself, because habits really are difficult to break. It's not because we're lazy or weak, and there's actually a lot of science out there about why we tend to fall into bad habits over and over again.

In March 2012, NPR put out a piece called, Habits: How They Form And How To Break Them which explains how habits form by discussing the psychological three part process. It says that "as soon as a behavior becomes automatic, the decision-making part of your brain goes into a sleep mode of sorts...."

"In fact, the brain starts working less and less," says Duhigg. "The brain can almost completely shut down. ... And this is a real advantage, because it means you have all of this mental activity you can devote to something else."

The idea is that we make things like eating healthy meals and exercising regularly the ones that become automatic rather than hitting the snooze button, which can actually make us more tired in the long run.

So what happens when you want to break an unhealthy habit and replace it with a healthy one? Create rewards for yourself for all those good habits you're trying to start. They can be little things, like promising yourself a coffee and healthy breakfast with friends immediately after finishing a work out. You could reward yourself for waking up with the first alarm by getting yourself some amazing body scrub to use in a long, hot, sense-awakening shower. Looking forward to those showers might be just what you need to get out of bed.

This week, try a little exercise to get those habits changed:
1. Choose one habit you'd like to change, and try to identify the reward you've been giving yourself that makes it difficult to stop indulging. Work on removing that reward.
2. Choose one healthy habit you'd like to begin, and a reward to go right along with it.

Starting off slow an easy is key. Be nice to yourself, and don't get too upset if you slip up once in a while, because we all do!

Good luck with all those habits, and feel free to comment below to talk with others about their habit progress.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Why Wake Early for Fitness?

As most of you know, Ladies Gun Club is held at 7 am three days a week, and when people hear what time it's held at, the first question they ask is usually, "Why so early?"

We all have our own reasons for getting up and getting going at different times, but some of us are inclined more toward the early morning than others. Before you sell yourself short and say, "But I'm not a morning person..." I assure you that I'm not naturally a morning person either, and a lot of the time, choosing to be feels totally counter-intuitive, but the benefits of working out early in the morning greatly outweigh the initial discomfort of rolling out of bed before I'm ready.

My reasons for working out early:
1. I like working out early because by the time I finish at 8 am, I still have time to enjoy a relaxing morning before beginning my work day. If it weren't for boot camp, I might just start making coffee at 8 or 9 and then next thing you know, it's time to get ready for work
2. I start the day with self care. Beginning the day by doing something really healthy and good for you that doesn't involve thinking about taking care of anybody else really sets a positive tone for the rest of the day. We all need a little 'me' time, but with kids and bosses and pets, it's difficult to prioritize without a goal that gives you a little accountability. Signing up and committing to something like boot camp definitely provides the accountability I need
3. No matter what I'm in the mood to eat, I know that I've jumpstarted my metabolism and that anything I eat will be put to better use than if I was just sitting around. You burn more calories and for longer after a workout with the LGC.

Boxing Scene's #5 reason for working out early is:
If you exercise at about the same time every morning, and ideally wake-up at about the same  time on a regular basis, your body's endocrine system and circadian rhythms adjust to that. Physiologically, some wonderful things begin to happen; A couple of hours *before* you awaken, your body begins to prepare for waking and exercise because it "knows" it's about to happen. Why? Because it "knows" you do the same thing just about everyday. You benefit from that in several ways

Ladies Gun Club is great because it creates easy to manage goals and accountability. Each boot camp is a month long with a week off in between and that works great for me because I am able to set a realistic and achievable goal for myself: work out 3 times a week at 7 am for 4 weeks. That's only 12 work outs. After a few weeks like this, I start to automatically wake up early and even if it's not a 'work out' morning, I have begun to think about the extra time I have before work as an opportunity to relax, spend time with the dog, or catch up on some reading--all things that make me happier and healthier.
                                                           --Ryan-Ashley Anderson

What are your reasons for working out early in the morning? Comment below to weigh in!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Referral Incentives!

Since Ladies Gun Club began last year, we have seen it grown so much, and it has all been because of your commitment to your own fitness, and willingness to spread the word. That being said, we would love to see it grow some more, so as a 'Thank you' to all of you who have talked about bootcamp, and to encourage you to continue to do so, we have created a new incentive program...
1 for 1: Get one friend to sign up for a bootcamp, and get one class free
2 for 2: Get two friends to sign up for a bootcamp, and get two classes free
3 for 3: Get a third friend to sign up, and get not only two bootcamps classes for free, but an additional, private, hour long personal training session with Teah (valued at $50/hr)! This is a great opportunity to really focus on problem areas and develop a plan of action for continued fitness and progress.

Have a friend who might be interested in joining but wants to check it out first before the next session? Bring them to tomorrow's FREE bonus class tomorrow morning at 7 am at Pack Square Park (by Splashville in front of the courthouse) to check it out!

Hope you had a great day off yesterday. See you bright and early!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


It's always a little bittersweet to come up on the end of a bootcamp series after a month of hard work and intentional fitness with an amazing group of ladies, but once again, we're nearing the end. This group has been particularly amazing, because they have shown up time and time again despite bad weather reports and a particularly wet Asheville. Part of the time this month we couldn't even use our usual Carrier Park location because the river had completely flooded it!

Looks like the sun is coming out just in time for our next Ladies Gun Club, which begins Monday, July 29 and runs through the month of August. If you're worried about getting off track between now and then, or just want to check it out without committing, check us out NEXT Wednesday, July 24, at Splashville in Pack Square Park downtown. Dudes, even though it's 'Ladies Gun Club,' we're making it guy friendly for August, so come on out and give it a try next week.

Why are we going Co-ed? Don't worry ladies! For those of you who really appreciate the ladies-only atmosphere, it's going to be coming back; we just want guys to have a chance to try it out so we can start working on a co-ed class.

If you plan on bringing a friend for the August series, or you're a new bootcamper, stay tuned because we'll be posting incentives for new folks as well as tried-and-true bootcampers on the blog!
Click HERE for pricing info.

Check out some snapshots of members and the beautiful mornings we've been working out in...

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Well.Fit Announcements

So much good news...

Here is all the news that's fit to print:
  • BONUS CLASS: We are hosting a bonus class at Pack Square Park on Tuesday July 16th at 7am.  This is a free class open to both ladies and dudes. Come check us out and see what all the fuss is about.  Bring a yoga mat and a water bottle. Be ready to sweat and have an awesome time!! 
  • AUGUST IS DUDE MONTH: For the month of August the LGC is going dude friendly.  That's right homies, we are letting dudes in this time around.  We will keep the regular class schedule and program at Carrier park.  The new 4 week session begins Monday August 29th. Please email us to save your spot!!
  • NEW PRICING OPTIONS:  We have been getting requests for punch passes, which is something that we will consider in the future. In the mean time we have a new pricing structure that will hopefully help accommodate those with busier schedules.  The new price structure is as follows
    • Commit to the entire session and pay $120.00 for 12 classes (ONLY $10/class), this option saves you $60.00 off the drop-in rate. 
    • Commit to 2 days a week for the session and pay $96.00 for 8 classes ($12/class), this option saves you $24.00 off the drop-in rate.
    • Commit to 1 day/ for the session and pay $56.00 for 4 classes, this option saves you $4.00 off the drop-in rate.
    • Drop-in rate: $15.00
Not only are you getting the most savings when you commit to the entire session, but you also get the BEST RESULTS. Coming three days a week for one month has shown to yield awesome results, check out our testimonials page and see for yourself :)

Have any questions or looking for more information? Email us, we love hearing from you!!

I hope everyone is having an awesome summer and staying fit!!

In Health,
Coach Teah

Monday, July 8, 2013

Come check us out, see what the Ladies Gun Club is all about!!

Well.Fit is hosting two Free classes at Pack Square Park this week and next.  Thursday July 11 and Tuesday July 16 we will be meeting by the stage at Pack Square at 7 am for an ass kickin' good workout!!

Trainer Teah implements body weight exercises combined with intervals and plyometrics to deliver a seriously fun and challenging workout!

If you have any questions shoot us an email, or just show up and get the fitness rolling.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Haps at Well.Fit

The Haps at Well.Fit

Hey Folks, 
Just wanted to share some news with y'all!  We have lot's of stuff going on; we are adding two new bootcamp programs to the schedule in June, as well as a weekly evening community class in the River Arts District.  We are making tshirts and a website and.....we love you with all our hearts. 

The Ladies Gun Club (LGC)  is kicking off its June/July Series on Wednesday June 19.  We will be running the usual Monday, Wednesday, Friday 7am program AND we will also be adding a M,W,F 8:15am program!!! Please, if you have friends that can't get their asses out of bed in time for the 7am, let them know about the 8:15am class time.  Email us to register and please specify it you are signing up for LGC7 or LGC8.

We are also super stoked to announce our all new co-ed program. The X/Y Bootcamp brings all the fun, challenge and sweat that the LGC does, but now we are letting dudes in too!!! This Program will run parallel to the LGC June/July 7 am series and will meet twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Start date is Tuesday June 18. Email us to register!!

RAD RUN is a quick paced challenging group fitness class that moves through the colorful River Arts District. This class is going to kick your ass and you will have a blast doing it!! Combing cardio intervals and some serious full body strength exercises you will be guaranteed to get an amazing, complete workout.
The RAD RUN class is a donation based class with all the proceeds going to support Jason Crosby and his family. Jason, former bar manager of The Junction, is currently battling pancreatic cancer. Please join us in improving our own health and supporting Jason in his Journey to recovery!
This is a drop-in class no registration is required. This is an intermediate class, we suggest you be able to comfortably run for 5-10 minutes without stopping if you are going to participate in this class.  We are on the move the entire time with quick stops and body weight intervals, for the safety and efficiency of the class we need everyone to be able to stay at a similar pace. Email us with questions. Start date is June 24. Classes held at 5:30pm on Mondays for four consecutive weeks.

I hope to see lots of familiar faces and lots of new ones too!! Every morning I spend in the park with y'all I feel totally lucky and insprired.  I am seeing a lot of progress and I know the ladies are feeling it as well!!! 
For more details on the schedule and rates please click here.

Carry on in health Well.Fitters~
Coach Teah

Friday, April 26, 2013

Building strength from the inside out! 

7 Day Core challenge

All the movements we make in life are initiated from the core, a stronger core equals a stronger body.  A stronger body means moving thru life in an easier more graceful manner and not to mention seriously decreasing the chance of injuring yourself.  Building core strength isn’t only about getting a six pack or a V, though those things will happen if you eat right and exercise.  But core strengthening is a dynamic process in which we develop strength as well as mobility throughout the torso through a variety of functional movements and exercises. 

For this challenge we will start with some very basic exercises and in a couple weeks I will follow up with a more dynamic, active set of exercises for more of a challenge. Start here, go for 7 days, check in with yourself to see if anything has changed in the way you feel and move and then do it again!! 

Wether you are in the gym on the regular or not working out at all right now, you can incorporate this quick bonus core series into your day or workout. You can do this anywhere without any equipment.  The series consists of 6 moves, 20-40 reps each repeat 2-3 times

Here she is:
  • Mountain climbers (20 counting on the right)
  • Basic stomach crunch (40)
  • 45 degree leg lift (20 with both legs together or 10 ea side)
  • Side plank hip press (20 on R)
  • Static plank (hold for 20-60 seconds)
  • Side plank hip press (20 on L)
  • Supermans (40)

Some of these moves most people are familiar with, others may be completely new to you. Here is a brief explanation of each exercise:

Mountain climbers- From a plank position (on hands-or-elbows) pick up one foot and draw the knee into the chest, pause for just a moment to feel the front of the core contract then return the foot to the floor and do the other side.  Continue to alternate legs in a slow controlled motion

Basic stomach crunch- This one is self evident, but make sure to lift your upper body in a diagonal motion, think of lifting from the chest and not using the neck, a small movement is ok, we are not doing full sit ups.

45 degree leg lift- Laying on your back with a little bend in the knees, start with the legs up in the air just slightly lower than 90 degrees.  Slowly lower the legs as far as you can without the lower back lifting up off the floor and return the legs to just under 90 degrees.  Keep going up and down through your range of motion in a smooth controlled manner.  If this agitates the lower back then start with one kneed bent, foot planted on the floor and perform the exercise with one leg at a time.

Side plank hip press- From your forearm side plank make a small pushing movement of the hips up towards the sky.  Keep your body straight in that side plank!

Static plank- simply hold your perfect plank (hands-or-forearms) for at least 20 seconds, work up to 60 seconds or more.

Supermans- Laying face down with the hands behind the head pick the chest up off the floor and squeeze the back, lower and repeat.  If that isn’t challenging enough then add in lifting the legs as well and squeezing the back as the upper body and legs are up.  Imagine a string between your elbows and ankles and its shortening as you squeeze.

Make no excuses, get after this challenge every day for 7 days and see how you feel! You may be pleasantly surprised!!

Carryon in Health~


Friday, April 5, 2013

Busy as a Bee in Spring!

Hello Well.Fitters,

So, despite what the weather outside has been telling us, spring is here.  Spring always feels like a time to wake up, start projects I have been putting off and get busy finishing old projects.  

Right now for well.fit I am working on several things. First and foremost, I am planning an awesome 10 session bootcamp series for The Ladies Gun Club starting April 15th.  The Ladies Gun Club (LGC)  is our bootcamp program for ladies women and girls. I started this program last summer with a two week intensive. Everybody had a ton of fun, got great results and wanted to keep coming back.  So I moved here and have been offering bootcamps since.  These bootcamps are a great way to stay motivated, and kick your self in to a higher gear for the summer. It's is girls only, we sweat it out together and have a total blast doing it!  We focus body weight workouts with an emphasis on kicking up the metabolism through interval training.  We get results!  If you are new to well.fit and are in interested in joing the LGC please email me. I will answer any questions you might have and get you registered for the upcoming series.

We are also working on building a website specifically for the LGC and we will be beautifying the well.fit blog as well!  Briana is working on the graphic design and our talented friend Susan is working on building the site and helping me navigate the world of utilizing all the social media applications.

And as always I am exploring new exercise routines. I have been spending a lot of time in the gym torturing myself with a timer and a jump rope, working on metabolic routines. In addition to that I am working on a core challenge that everyone can do at home.  I will be posting the challenge in a few days so definitely check back, it will be a great way to boost your core strength with out a big time commitment.

I am also picking up nutrition coaching training.  This is something I started over a year ago.  In the course of relocating and getting settled it has totally gotten away from me, but I am hitting the books again. Soon I will be able to better coach you toward your goals be it weight loss, an event or just general improved health.

All in all there are many great things on the horizon!  Can't wait to get back in to bootcamp season, Here we go!

Carry on in health,

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What to do when you’ve got nothing left!!

I don’t know about you but I start each and every week with the best intentions of exercising, eating right and getting adequate rest.  By Wednesday I feel like I am under water, skipping the gym, eating on the go and staying up late just to fit it all in.  I work 50 + hours a week and am a single mother, so I happen to be an extreme case (and a super hero) and I have had a lot of practice with this shit.

Some weeks are better than others.  Some weeks it just doesn’t work out to work out. Usually, if I am sacrificing my fitness routine I am doing it in the name of rest.  The trouble with this is that it is all too easy to let it all go.  So I have been working on strategies on how to keep the momentum going and keep the body and mind moving when you feel that you literally have nothing left!

Here are three real life tips to help keep you feeling good and stay on top of your shit.

1.     Keep moving. You don’t have to spend an hour in the gym to get a little bit of a workout in!  Here are a couple links to quick body weight workouts you can do just about anywhere:
Don’t be afraid to break up the work out if you have to due to time restraints, a little often is better than none at all!! Even if you just did a set of 20 squats and 20 pushups 2-4 times in the day it would be awesome.

2.     Take Care.  Your body moves you through life, and it’s the only one you’ve got this time around! During times of life where you are under extreme pressure or have a lot of stressful things going on be careful what you do with your body, these stresses do manifest physically.  Even though the tendency might be to eat a cheeseburger and a pint of coffee ice cream (I have never done this, or maybe I have) these mindless practices are not going to help you.  Poor nutrition and/or alcohol consumption will hinder your ability to cope with stress.  When the going gets tough, get tough on your diet, it’s tricky but makes a world of difference.

3.     Nurture your soul.  Addressing the body physically helps us have the strength to deal with what life throws at us but what do we do with the stress as it accumulates? How do let it all go?  I chose to meditate and exercise.  Everyone is different but we all need a way to decompress and alleviate stress.  So whatever your pressure release valve is make sure to turn it every day or else you may find yourself sick!

Here is a fantastic article that talks more in depth about the physiological effects of stress. http://news.stanford.edu/news/2007/march7/sapolskysr-030707.html

Keep up the good work well.fitters <3

Carry on in health,

get fit~breathe deep~love your life

Monday, March 11, 2013

Cheeseburgers Happen...

And so do red wine and late night snacks of cheese and salami in good company.  These are not practices that I advocate to any one of my clients, but, this is real life and it happens to the best of us. In a perfect world we would be eating on kale salads and lean proteins, this is not a perfect world. Cheeseburgers happen.

How do we recover from said cheeseburgers crisis?!?

Being a frequent victim of the cheeseburger crisis I have a few survival tips for my fellow Well.Fitters.
  • Never ever-ever beat yourself up. It is counterproductive, hurtful to your psyche, and a total waste of brain energy.  
  • Time it right. Always aim to indulge in sweets and carbs right after a solid exercise.  After a workout your body is able to more efficiently metabolize glucose, which means you get to cheat and it will even help you recover from your workout!
  • HIIT* it hard the morning after. If you have really blown it with the diet, add in a metabolism boosting HIIT session to your workout. I like to do this with the jump rope.  I usually do 4 minutes of 20 second speed rope intervals, 10 seconds rest.  This is an anaerobic work out that has shown to increase resting metabolism rate for the 24 hours following the workout. 

For more info on timing your nutrient intake and optimizing fat loss click here

*HIIT=high intensity interval training.  Not familiar? Google that shit.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

love notes

 Valentines day is my favorite holiday. I love all the pink and the pretty things and I love love. Which sounds kinda silly in my head as I am typing, but it is the honest truth, I am a hopeless romantic to the very core.  Love is a many splendored thing.  

I remember the first time I fell in love. I was 13 and I fell in love with my best friend.  It was not a romantic love, but it was deep and strong and intoxicating in a totally plutonic way if that makes any sense. I also remember the day when something my mom had told me about the love we feel for our children really struck me. One day it clicked and it was like a new level of living opened up for me.  Ironically, I was loading the washing machine with dirty cloth diapers (a labor of love for sure) and thinking of my sweet 5 month old baby. For some reason that thing my mom had said just popped in my head and stopped me in my tracks, the love I have for my child washed over me in that moment and brought tears of gratitude to my eyes.  The love we feel for our children is by far the sweetest (when they are not being assholes).

What about the love we feel for ourselves? We all have very different relationships with ourselves and our bodies.  Some maybe don’t put very much thought into it. I tend to think that a lot of us have a constantly running inner dialogue about it, so constant that we don’t even really hear it.  Some of the things we tell ourselves might be hurting us, may be stopping us from making better choices in life or succeeding at our efforts. What if we got really quiet on the outside and tuned into that inner dialogue, what would we discover? Would we change anything?  I have some experience with this and can definitely say that I could change a few things.  When I put the work in and change the dialogue I feel better and make better choices for my body and my spirit.

Self care is vital to our health and wellness and is so often overlooked.  So on this day of love I encourage everyone to stop and listen to their inner dialogue, make adjustments where needed and do something extra in the way of self care.  Love yourself!

Carry on in health and love ~

Monday, January 28, 2013

Got Lemons?

I don’t go to church. I run. It comforts my soul.

I also push, pull, lunge, jump, squat, press, and plank. In a nutshell, like to exercise. I have never run a race, or been any kind of athlete.  All the same, fitness is a crucial part of my existence. 

For the last 3+ years I have relied heavily on exercise to stay (kinda) sane in the wake of some fairly intense emotional trauma's. I feel very grateful to have my health and the ability to keep moving.  When the going gets tough I know it’s time to ramp up the exercise routine.  

Exercise is always there, like a quiet friend who annoyingly always seems to know what is best for us. Not only does it boost our immune systems, make us sexier, make our lives feel all around physically easier but it also boosts serotonin, a neurotransmitter generally responsible for happiness. Who doesn't need that?  

So when life gives you lemons, say fuck the lemons and go running.